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Badminton Famly Footwork

Is it moving too slowly on the court?

Badminton Famly Footwork

Is it moving too slowly on the court?

In their new video, Badminton Famly gives you three great tips on how to get more out of your footwork so you can reach out and get your returns wherever your opponent sends it!

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JayMike review

We are on the world's largest football platform!

Full steam ahead! We can now announce our collaboration with UNISPORT! Football is where LiiteGuard began, so to start this collaboration is a goal we have been aiming for more or less from day on...

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Shin-Tech review

Vi byder velkommen til Lø

I forbindelse med udvikling og lancering af vores nye SHIN-TECH løbestrømpe har vi skabt et samarbejde med Lø, som vi nu med stor glæde kan offentliggøre. Inden samarbejdet testede løbesho...

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Badminton Famly Lunge

Optimise your lunges

Are your lunges lacking a bit? Then take a look at the new video from Badminton Famly. Proper technique in your lunges can both give more power to your movements, as well as help protect you from i...

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Badminton Famly 4 corners thumbnail

Get control over the court

If you're having trouble getting around on the court or want to refresh the basics of your footwork, check out the new video from Badminton Famly!

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Introducing: Badminton Famly

Introducing: Badminton Famly

We want to broaden our scopes more on the blog and therefore we welcome our friends from Badminton Famly! They are absolutely top-notch when it comes to improving the technique of your smash, or r...

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Achilles Pain

Pain in the Achilles Tendon

Pain in the Achilles tendon is a well-known phenomenon in all kinds of sports that includes a lot of activity with the weight on the front of the foot. Repeated stresses on the calf muscle can cau...

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Taped Ankle

Taping your ankle

A sprained ankle is the most common injury in football, related to the lower leg. The vast majority of sprains happens on the outside of the ankle, right in front of the outer ankle knuckle. Here I...

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Nicklas Pyrdol

The mindset of top players

Nicklas is a trained consultant specialized in sports psychology and works with players and coaches in the Danish Superliga and the Danish 1st Division, while also being part of the crew assisting...

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Jakob Poulsen

Meet Jakob Poulsen

Jakob Poulsen started playing football at 5 years old in Næsbjerg and stayed there until he, as a second year under-17 player, left for Esbjerg FB. He gained his Superliga debut in Esbjerg FB in 20...

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